Workshops der Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
Kiew, Ukraine | 19. und 20.09.2019
Exchange on implementation of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Germany and Ukraine was in the focus of discussion at the seminar held by Green Budget Germany (GBG), Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) and DiXi Group in Kyiv on 19-20 September.
During the two-day seminar, the attendees from the Ukraine – members of the Energy Transparency Association, civil servants and representatives of the extractive sector – discussed key topics of MSG, analyzed major challenges to EITI implementation, and devised the ways of overcoming them.
Dixi Group and GBG experts presented a gap analysis of the participation of local stakeholders in EITI implementation in each of the countries. Furthermore, Florian Zerzawy of GBG presented implementation of environmental reporting in Germany’s EITI and ideas how this could be further improved in light of the new EITI-2019 standard, while Walter Palmetshofer of OKF shared Germany’s experience with electronic reporting instruments in EITI.
All attendees had the opportunity to compare the situation in Ukraine and Germany. During two days, the attendees worked in groups, developing the ideas of strategies aimed to bring EITI’s regional and national aspects to international agenda, and considered the possibilities of organizing information campaigns for local communities. The seminar has also produced a compilation of successful practices of implementing EITI in Ukraine and Germany, which can serve as a good example for other countries.
The seminar was also attended by representatives of the EITI International Secretariat, EITI National Secretariat, International Renaissance Foundation and GIZ.
The seminar was organized by DiXi Group jointly with partners from OKF Germany and Green Budget Germany as part of the MAP - EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES TRANSPARENCY INITIATIVE (EITI) project funded by Engagement Global on behalf of the German Ministry of Development and Economic Cooperation (BMZ).

Florian Zerzawy
Präsentationen der Veranstaltung:
Environmental and renewable aspects in Germany’s EITI reporting