Environmental Financial Reform

With an environmental financial reform, we are using fiscal policy and taxation to redirect towards a sustainable and fair economy and society - by reducing subsidies that harm the environment and society, by placing our tax system on a broader basis and by making the consumption of resources and the burden on the climate more expensive. The additional revenue should be used sustainably for investments in the future and social justice. 


Holger Bär




It is vital to have robust partnership agreements for EU funding

Publicationtype Statement

Thepartnership agreements on the European structural and investment funds (PAs) are legally binding documents signed by the European Commission and national governments of EU Member States (MS). Thisis a precondition for the national governments for receiving EU funding. The PAs define for them the conditions and ways usingEU moneyfor the concerned 7-year period of the EU budget (the Multiannual Financial Framework, MFF). Therefore, the content of the PAs is of utmost importancealso for the processes aiming toachievethe EU’s climate and environmental targets.Civil society organisations in all EU member states should put a lot of effort intoinfluencing the preparation of the PAs so that their final versioncontainsall the necessary measures with concrete intermediate and final deadlines to achieve the EU’s climate and environmental targets.

Publicationclients EUKI
Publication institution Clea Air Action Group
Publicationtags MFF
Publicationdate 2020
Externalfile https://mcusercontent.com/1777448aafe85ef675bd9ea87/files/09f2a43f-603b-41da-8912-fc734b139a31/On_climate_funding_and_Partnership_Agreements.pdf?utm_source=Green+Budget+Europe&utm_campaign=c5222d573f-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_10_15_03_38_COPY_01&utm_medium=emai