Environmental Financial Reform

With an environmental financial reform, we are using fiscal policy and taxation to redirect towards a sustainable and fair economy and society - by reducing subsidies that harm the environment and society, by placing our tax system on a broader basis and by making the consumption of resources and the burden on the climate more expensive. The additional revenue should be used sustainably for investments in the future and social justice. 


Holger Bär



Isabel Schrems, Simon Meemken, Florian Zerzawy, Peter Martin  |  10.2023  |  Study
Isabel Schrems, Swantje Fiedler, Florian Zerzawy, Janis Hecker, Peter Martin  |  09.2023  |  Background paper
Isabel Schrems, Florian Zerzawy  |  09.2023  |  Study
Florian Peiseler, Beate Richter, Matthias Runkel, Kai Schlegelmilch, Isabel Schrems, Maja Bockstadt, Linda Momm, Willi Schwope  |  09.2023  |  Background paper
Isabel Schrems, Kim Warneke  |  07.2023  |  Study
Isabel Schrems, Florian Zerzawy  |  03.2023  |  Policy Brief
Isabel Schrems, Alex Auf der Maur, Dr. Andreas Kemmler, Tim Trachsel, Dr. Noha Saad, Dr. Stefan Bach, Jakob Knautz  |  12.2022  |  Study
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