Environmental Financial Reform

With an environmental financial reform, we are using fiscal policy and taxation to redirect towards a sustainable and fair economy and society - by reducing subsidies that harm the environment and society, by placing our tax system on a broader basis and by making the consumption of resources and the burden on the climate more expensive. The additional revenue should be used sustainably for investments in the future and social justice. 


Holger Bär




Implementation of the EU NDC and NECPs - Tracing Climate Justice Action in Germany and France

Publicationtype Study

This study examines the relationship between the ambition and implementation of the EU's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs), in particular, their impact on national climate action and how this affects local climate projects in Germany and France. 

Publicationclients CIDSE
Publication institution FOES
Publicationtags Climate Justice Action, Paris Climate Agreement, NDC, NECP
Publicationdate 2024
Publicationfile FOES_2024_5_EN-CIDSE_NDC-NECP_EU-France-Germany-Study_final_.pdf